Leia Zhu
Musical Life Around the World
Master document - iGCSE Edexcel Maths
Topic 5b, 5d | Solids, liquids and gases - iGCSE Edexcel Physics
Topic 7 | Radioactivity and Particles - iGCSE Edexcel Physics
German grade 9 structures & key vocab!
French - ALL Grammar
ALL French speaking, reading, writing, listening key words/phrases
French grade 9 structures & key vocab!
the EXACT essay plan I used for English Literature
62-page iGCSE CIE English World Literature | The Government Inspector
iGCSE Edexcel English Language - Exam Structure (more info in description)
GCSE English Language - Grade 9 Techniques
Unseen Poetry - iGCSE CIE English Literature
Topic 2H | Transport - iGCSE Edexcel Biology
Topic 1 | The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms - iGCSE Edexcel Biology
Topic 1e | Chemical formulae, equations and calculations - iGCSE Chemistry
Topic 2F, 2G | Acids, Alkalis, Bases & Salt Preparations - iGCSE Edexcel Chemist
Topic 4 | Organic Chemistry - iGCSE Edexcel Chemistry
Topic 1G | Covalent Bonding - iGCSE Edexcel Chemistry
Topic 5 | Use of Biological Resources - iGCSE Biology