Definitions of the following words according to the mark scheme
Atom, molecule, atomic number, mass number, isotope, relative atomic mass (Ar), relative formula mass (Mr), mol, molecular formula, empirical formula
Table of structures of atoms in terms of
subatomic particle, relative mass, relative charge & position
Formula to calculate the relative atomic mass of an element from isotopic abundances + step-by-step question walkthrough
Formula to calculate relative formula masses from relative atomic masses + step-by-step question walkthrough
Find the percentage by mass of x element in y
Detailed walkthrough of the relationship between mol, mass and Mr & exam advice
Detailed explanations of calculations involving amount of substance, relative atomic mass and relative formula mass (4x example questions)
Calculating reacting masses with step by step instructions
Balancing equations using reacting masses
Calculating percentage yield
Reasons why you can’t get 100% yield
Actual & theoretical yield
Percentage yield examples
Understand how the formulae of simple compounds can be obtained experimentally, including
Metal oxides
Water and
Salts containing water of crystallisation
Making careful quantitative measurements
Formula of a hydrated salt (water of crystallisation)
Water of crystallisation according to the mark scheme
Examples of water of crystallisation
Formula of a metal oxide
Magnesium flame experiment
Working out empirical formula with examples
Practical: determine the formula of copper(II) oxide
Calculate empirical and molecular formulae from experimental data with examples
Describe simple experiments to collect data for empirical and molecular formulae calculations
NOTE: all science notes are DOUBLE AWARD only (NOT triple!!)