Food production & crop plants
The effects on crop yield of increased carbon dioxide and increased temperature in glasshouses
How the use of fertiliser can increase crop yield
Reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants
Table of comparisons between minerals
Table of fertilisers, pest control and their pros & cons
Microorganisms; the role of yeast in the production of food including bread
Practical: investigate the role of anaerobic respiration by yeast in different conditions
the role of bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the production of yoghurt
use of an industrial fermenter and explain the need to provide suitable conditions in the fermenter, including aseptic precautions, nutrients, optimum temperature and pH, oxygenation and agitation, for the growth of micro-organisms
Selective breeding
How selective breeding can develop plants with desired characteristics
How selective breeding can develop animals with desired characteristics
Genetic modification
How restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA at specific sites and ligase enzymes are used to join pieces of DNA together
How plasmids and viruses can act as vectors, which take up pieces of DNA, and then insert this recombinant DNA into other cells
How large amounts of human insulin can be manufactured from genetically modified bacteria that are grown in a fermenter
How genetically modified plants can be used to improve food production
+ much more...
Detailed notes according to the mark scheme and specification
Key definitions
Coverage of past papers
Mnemonic for answer structure with example
Labelled diagrams
Experiment details
Past paper questions and mark scheme
And much, much more…
NOTE: all science notes are DOUBLE AWARD only (NOT triple!)