Miracle of the 21st Century
Announcing the performance of Leia Zhu, Rustem Abyazov promised that the audience will meet with an ordinary miracle.
"I heard this violinist play two years ago when she was only 10 years old. But even then it could give a head start to many adult musicians.
I immediately decided that Leia should definitely perform at our festival, and here she is - with a complex, interesting, adult program," the maestro said. A day earlier, at a press conference, Rustem Abyazov called "Princess Leia" a miracle of the 21st century.
The young performer, who came on stage in a lovely peach dress, really impressed the imagination of the public with her conscious, far from childish violin play. She could be heard a concerto for Mendelssohn's violin and string orchestra in three parts, a "Carmen" fantasy for violin with the Bizet-Waxman orchestra, and a violin romance with the Svensen Orchestra, first performed in Kazan.
full story here
Photo album is here
Watch her performance below
Watch Leia's expereince for her visiting of Republic of Tatarstan